Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Cody!!

For Cody's 30th birthday Riley and I made a list of the 30 reasons we love him.

We love Daddy because... (Riley did come up with these on his own)
1. He reads books to me.
2. He helps me put my blankie on.
3. He gives me treats.
4. He gives me presents.
5. He plays games with me.
6. He pushes me on the swings, but not too high.
7. He loves me.
8. He tells the truth.
9. He gives great hugs. (They really are the best hugs.)
10.He makes me laugh.

Now it's my turn, I love Cody because...
11. He never lets me stay mad, no matter how hard I try.
12. He makes me feel safe.
13. He is always willing to help me around the house.
14. He works hard.
15. He loves helping people.
16. He has a big heart.
17. He is patient with me.
18. He is my best friend.
19. He knows me inside and out and for some reason he still loves me.
20. He listens to me.
21. He always supports me in anything I do.
22. He is a wonderful father.
23. He takes care of me and Riley.
24. He is very considerate and thoughtful.
25. He brings out the best in me.
26. He is selfless.
27. He is sensitive to others’ feelings. (That’s why he’s such a good counselor.)
28. He puts up with all of my crap and never complains.
29. He is a great kisser.
30. He loves me unconditionally.

We hope you have a wonderful birthday! We love you very much!


Laisa said...

We love Cody because he makes us laugh & he plays games with us! :D

That was the cutest list....but we didn't need to know about the kissing (ha ha) Michael Scott would say "TMI my friend, I used to say 'Don't go there'"

Joe and Liz said...

Didn't know it was your birthday Cody....hope you had a great day!!