Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner 2009

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, I got a call from my Dad saying that my grandma had fallen out of bed and was in the hospital and my Mom was on her way to Virginia to be with her. He followed this announcement by saying that Thanksgiving was cancelled. I was still in shock and didn't say anything at this time. Later that night, I talked to my sister Hope and we didn't like the idea about Thanksgiving being cancelled. We both had in-laws that we could go to, but I was 8 months pregnant and I was not about to drive to Idaho Falls. Hope had to work the graveyard shift at the hospital the night before Thanksgiving so she didn't want to have it at her house, so we decided that we'd have Thanksgiving dinner at my house.

Now that we had our own house, we actually had room for everyone. This was going to be our first Thanksgiving in our own home! I called and invited my Dad and he said he'd talk to Scott and decide if they were going to come or not. They decided to make the trek down to Eagle Mountain.

With some coaching from my Mom, thousands of miles away, Cody and I made the turkey, the dressing, the gravy, the rolls, and the pies. (My award winning pie of course) Hope brought a fruit salad and mashed potatoes. Scott and my Dad brought the cans of green beans, green and black olives, and the cranberry sauce. Even though my Mom wasn't there, we were able to come together as a family and have a great Thanksgiving dinner. Scott informed me that I did a great job and that my Mom would've been proud of me. That was the greatest compliment I could've received.

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